15 August 2018
Mills Cross
After testing and calibrating the 16 transceiving and transmitting elements on the Mills Cross time has come to move the radar with the Pistenbully. As a first test we will copy lines measured earlier by the AWI Polar 6 aricraft spring 2018 and the NASA Operation IceBridge 2014.
What we did today
- Reorganized of the timber on the timber sledge
- Moved boxes to Storage Balloon Trench
- Started building one of the retro pallets
- Repaired the electronics of the new oven
- Closed the elevator to the trenches
- Made 5 km lines with the Mills Cross Radar
- Cleaned and organized in the Cooks Freezer
- Moved the new Fridge into the Dome
Weather: Overcast all day. Temperatures between -12 º and 7 º. Wind 12 kt in the morning decreasing to 3 kt in the night. Wind from 270-320T.
Camp population: 13
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

A map of the surface velocities of the NEGIS ice stream around EGRIP. The camp is marked with a white cross, the skiway with a white line and the proposed along and across lines are those used for the Mills Cross Radar measurements.
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