Packing weatherports and building pallets.
Packing tents and weatherports
We had a very busy day taking down all the 8 small yellow tents and 2 weatherports and building a pallet with science- and drilling equipment.
The whole camp was involved and with 32 eager EGRIP’ers it went really fast. THANKS to all. Because so many ‘homes’ were down the Dome became a dormitory and we had a very nice and cosy last evening and night.
What we did today:
- Took down WP5 and WP8
- Took down all small yellow tents in the tent camp
- Winterized the science and drill trench
- Took down the Surface program tents and mast
- Built the science and drill pallet
- Had the last fresh greens for dinner
- Had a last evening together
Ad 7: Pictures were shared on the net and a first science plot was made. On the plot it is seen that we at a depth of 1767 m have reach into Dansgaard Oeschger event 5 about 32,000 years before present. The processing stopped just before bag 3200, just before the DO event. (All the shown data is from NGRIP).
Weather: A warm day, partly with thin overcast. Temperatures between -9ºC and 0ºC. Wind between 8-16 kt mainly from 240 T.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

A perfect skiway ready for tomorrows mission

First science plot
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