The science team in plastic bag production mode.
Plastic bag production
A few hundred of the Physical Property bags are too narrow and the science team spend part of the afternoon making new bags. The labels were cut from the original bags and included in the new slightly broader bags. The science trenches are the coldest place in camp to work and the science team enjoyed the warm and cosy atmosphere in the kitchen/living room of the Dome. Well deserved.
What we did today
- Drilling 17.1 m of ice core (runs 746-751) and retrieving 48 kg of slush through filtering.
- Logging of main core, depth at 19.00 today: 1640.39 m.
- Processing bag 2821 in the science trench.
- Measurements in isotope laboratory to bag 2480.
- Measurements in physical properties to bag 2756
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- GPS measurements NW of camp.
- Repairing the dish washer
- Repairing/cleaning the water pump in the main snow melter
Ad 3: Fine 2.5 cm cuts for O18 from bag 2801 to 2822, packing and documentation of ice core boxes and remaking PP bags because those supplied were too narrow took most of the afternoon.
Ad 8: The electronic panel causes power failure and was emergency repaired by Sverrir.
Weather: Temperature between -21 ºC and -7 ºC. Wind 8-16 kt from 210T - 230T.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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