23 July 2018

Sverrir, Peter and Lee shoveling the snow in place in the Carpenters garage
Establishing routines again
It felt good to wake up in the morning to a normal day and start the drill trench, science trench and surface program with mixed groups of trained and untrained scientists. In the water isotope cfa lab Will is training Jonathan while Sverrir is doing his best to instruct Peter and Lee how to shovel snow! All in all a positive and productive day.
What we did today
- Drilling 17.5 m of ice core and retrieving 35 kg of slush through filtering.
- Logging of main core, depth at 19.00 Sunday: 1567.62 m.
- Processing bag 2668 in the science trench.
- Measurements in isotope laboratory to bag 2382.
- Measurements in physical properties to bag 2635.
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- Cleaning the floor and installing a new layer of fresh snow in the carpenters garage
- Removing power line to new balloon trench (concert hall)
- Unpacking cargo from the tow missions 20 and 22 July
Weather: Sun and no wind in the morning, becoming overcast and more windy during the day. Wind from 0 kn to 10 kn from 220-310T. Temperatures between -15 °C and -9 °C.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Will and Jonathan measuring the water isotopes in the cfa lab.
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