Steff, Karl-Emil and Nana are showing our visitors the ice core drill.
A busy weekend
The weekend has been really busy with many guest and a major crew exchange. All the guests have been fantastic and very interested and engaged. Sunday we got a big group of visitors including the Greenlandic Minister for Health and Research Doris Jensen, the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers, and Chancellor, Dean and NBI institute leader from University of Copenhagen. We would like to thank all for visiting us and also thank the 109th for really good and professional missions to EGRIP.
What we did today
- Drilling of 13.9 m of ice core and retrieving 70 kg of slush through filtering.
- Logging of main core, depth at 19.00 Sunday: 1553.67 m.
- Processing bag 2641 in the science trench.
- Measurements in isotope laboratory to bag 2361.
- Measurements in physical properties laboratory on the volume sample from bag 2600
- Water vapour sampling and measuring. Obtaining and sampling 5 1 m surface cores.
- Receiving skier 11 (1 pallet cargo + 3180 l fuel)
- Hosting guests from the Villum Foundation and a Netherland TV crew (Kadir team).
- Hosting a visit of GL minister Doris Jensen, DK minister Tommy Ahlers and University of Copenhagen Chancellor, Dean and NBI Institute leader for a two hour visit.
- Goodbye to 15 from Eastgrip and welcome to 19 new Eastgrippers.
Weather: Ground fog and overcast most of the day, clearing to blue sky between 12:00 and 15:00. Temperature -13 °C to -8 °C and wind from N to NW 9-16 kt decreasing to 4 kn in the evening.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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