Nordland 3 parked at apron for fueling
A Twin Otter brings 6 visitors to camp for a night
The deep drilling has started up again producing nice long ice cores in one piece after a weekend of crew exchange and filter runs. The storing of the cores in the ice core buffer is in place with the long ice core troughs that were brought up on Sunday. Ice core processing, water isotope analysis, physical properties analysis, and surface work is all up to speed again after the weekend. At the firn gas site, everything is now ready for starting drilling tomorrow. In the evening, we received an Icelandic Twin Otter (Norland 3) from NEEM camp with six people. Two pilots and four scientists from the GLISN project that have been checking seismic stations in various locations in Greenland. EGRIP will be their last stopover before returning to Iceland tomorrow, if weather permits.
What we did today:
- Drilling 7.59 m. Drillers’ depth 1070.15 m
- Ice core processing bags 1369 – 1405, final depth: 772.75 m
- Measurements in isotope laboratory, final depth: 542.85 m
- Measurements in physical properties laboratory, final depth 667.70 m
- Water vapour sampling and measuring
- Setting up firn gas site 1.2 km SSE of camp
- Receiving Twin-Otter Norland 3 with 4 GLISN people and 2 pilots
- Preparing 3.6 m ice core troughs
Weather: Clear blue sky all day. Temp. - 12 °C to -24 °C. Wind: 3-8 kt from W turning to SW.
Visibility: Mostly unrestricted.
FL, Anders Svensson
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