Also EGRIP staff at work. Full activity in the warehouse in Kangerlussuaq. People cleaning long ice core troughs.
Temperature record for early June: -1.4 °C.
This morning the snowy and windy and warm weather continued. Part of the staff in the science trench spent the morning finishing the last two weatherports. They are now outfitted with beds electricity and heating.Heating however, is not precisely what we need now. Temperatures reached – 1 °C in the afternoon, and there was water on all not white surfaces.In the afternoon, the Sun came out, contrast improved and we were able to groom the skiway and around camp structures. The forecast for tomorrow is the same as for today, so we will have to wait until Saturday for the plane. This means that 20 people will have two days extra stay in Kangerlussuaq and 15 people will have two days extra in camp. As the drillers continue to drill very long intact ice cores, we are almost out of long core troughs. The extra troughs in Kangerlussuaq needed cleaning, so the stranded crew were in full swing in the Kangerlussuaq warehouse.
- Drilling six runs. Drillers’ depth 1045 m. The drillers made a 7th run to retrieve a lost corebarrel.
- 15 m floor in ramp tunnel lowered. All can now walk in without worrying about their head.
- Grooming skiway.
- Ice core processing today 18.15 m, bags 1235 - 1267 (678.70 m –696.85 m).
- Finished WP 5 and WP 6 with beds. All weatherports are built.
- Measurements in isotope laboratory.
- Measurements in physical properties laboratory.
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- Successful flight with drone and water vapour sampling pod.
- Surface snow sampling.
Ad.1: Several intact 3+ m cores drilled.
Weather today: Overcast and snow, in the afternoon clearing. Temp. - 1 °C to -10 °C. Wind: 4 kt to 10 kt from SW.
Visibility: In the morning 0.5 –1 km, later unrestricted. Poor surface contrast until afternoon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen