The science trench ready to receive an ice core processing crew.
Preparations for flight tomorrow which is postponed to Thursday.
The first of the put-in crew are already scheduled to leave tomorrow as we have an LC-130 flight scheduled. By now, the AWI Basler should be finished with radar survey; but because plane and crew were delayed by one week due to weather in the beginning of season, it has been decided to stay here until 22nd May to finish the radar survey. Some of the people scheduled to leave have been busy to finish their last tasks today. However, during the afternoon, we were told by our office in Kangerlussuaq that due to delays in planes from the U.S., the flight tomorrow has been moved to Thursday. This has given people a better chance to finish their jobs. The weather continues to be relatively mild so work continues in a good way.
What we did today:
- Repairs on Nansen sleds.
- Made several filter runs with motorized filter. Bottom of hole reached.
- German Basler flew one 3 hour mission today.
- Logging ice cores to 883.91 m.
- Solved problem with freezer system for logging cabin. Cooling is now active.
- Cleaned up in cargo line. Pallets and nets placed at apron.
- Grooming skiway, taxiway and apron,
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- Surface snow sampling.
- Construction of Weatherport 2 in progress.
Weather: Day began with fog and thin overcast. Overcast increasing during the day. In the evening light snow. Temp. -15 °C to -29 °C. Wind: 5 kt to 10 kt from W turning NNW. Visibility: Unrestricted, later down to 1 km during snow.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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