Skidoo Ring Riding

Last (successful) run of team Mika
We did not manage to get the planned mission to EGRIP this Sunday and instead we arranged a skidoo ring riding contest after dinner. Two teams were formed and with 8 in team Randi and 7 in team Mika. 15 rounds were made each with two on a skidoo. If the ring was caught by the bamboo pole points were given. Team Randi won. The judge, Dorthe, was impressed with the creativity in relation to speed, standing on the skidoo, sitting backwards, driving backwards, using toilet flag, triumph trip with the whole team, three on the skidoo, cheering ect.
What we have done today:
- Moved casing tubes to overwintering site
- Moved equipment to white tent, drill trench for overwintering
- Packed equipment in snow and vapour sampling program
- Groomed skiway
- Packed the last 2 pallets
- Took reconstructed 1976 picture 40 years after the first Danish shallow drilling
Weather today: Overcast with light snow with small openings with blue sky. Temperatures -13 to -10 °C. Wind 5 kn in the night, increasing to 15 kn in the morning and gradually decreasing to 4 kn in the evening. Wind direction WNW.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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Sigfus and Steff shallow drilling in 1976

Steff and Trevor shallow drilling in 2016