28 July 2016

French dinning

 Thursday 28th of July 2016

All in camp enjoying a French dinner

For once the weather was not perfect (as can be seen on our webcamera broadcasting a picture every 10 min: http://phone.egrip.camp/current.jpg). Most in camp worked with Nick, our carpenter on reestablishing order in the carpenters garage. Josefine presented an amazing meal with coq a vin a la Josefine, and craquements topped with home made ‘flødeboller’. Thanks, Josefine.

What we have done today:

  1. Reamed the pilot hole
  2. Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
  3. Reestalished order in the carpenters garage
  4. Prepared for the installation of the permanent GPS station NE of camp
  5. Reorganized cables and water tubes in the box beside the generator

Ad 1: The EGRIP pilot hole was reamed with the third reamer with a diameter of 222 mm to a depth of 39 m

Weather today: Blue sky in the morning becoming overcast with snow in the afternoon. Temperatures -13 °C during night and evening, up to -7 ºC in the day. Wind under 4 kn in the morning from SW changing to 12 kn from NE during the day and decreasing to 4 kn from SW in the evening.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

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 Thursday 28th of July 2016

The new linoleum floor in the kitchen