New people in camp

A really sunny and clear day with temperatures up to -7 °C.
Skier 71 arrived in camp around noon with 10 passengers. The camp has a population of 25 and this will probably be the maximum of this year.
The day was busy with exchange of information between leaving scientists and arriving scientist – and hosting media. We all agree that the EGRIP camp is the best we have ever had.
What we have done today:
1. Received Skier 71 with a triple-married pallet
2. Welcome to Dorthe, Martin, Christian, Naoko and Fumio and
goodbye to Anders, Jakob, Barbara and Niccolo
3. Welcome to Elizabeth from The New Yorker and Ingerid and Linda
from The Norwegian Business Daily
4. Concluded that the satellite disc has too low a signal for receiving
and transmitting data
5. Started the plywood floor in the drill trench
6. Placed the first cryo-eggs in 11 m deep boreholes
Weather today: Sunny all day. Temperature -14 °C last night increasing to -7 °C in the afternoon and dropping to -11 °C late evening. Wind 8-10 kt from W.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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