A new hill in town and a Greenland Geyser

Chris is preparing the new snow hill in the southern end of camp. View from the tower of main dome.
This coming weekend we expect several flight missions to camp with new people and cargo.
One of the arriving items is a large disc receiver that hopefully will provide camp with a high-speed internet connection. The receiver will be placed on a sledge in the southern end of camp pointing towards a geostationary satellite. In order to increase chances of picking up the weak signal at this high latitude Chris has prepared a nice flat snow hill for the sledge to stand on. The hill is connected with a power line from the garage and the signal from the antenna will be radio transmitted to main dome.
At the Swiss drill site, drilling has stopped for the season. A rare Greenland geyser was appearing as Jakob and Barbara partly emptied their borehole for drill liquid by blowing air through a tube to the bottom of the hole. 25 litres of drill liquid were collected at the surface.
At the EGRIP 2016 S1 drilling site there was a delay this morning due to a logging issue, but the drilling is now terminated at 60.76 m depth.
What we have done today:
1. Partly emptied borehole for drill liquid at Swiss drill test site
2. Logged depth of 60.76 meters at EGRIP 2016 S1 site
3. Prepared snow hill south of camp for large disc receiver
4. Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
5. Mounted wooden panels on ice core buffer
Weather today: Mostly sunny with low broken clouds arriving in the evening. Temp. -19 °C during night increasing to -9 °C during the day. Wind 8-12 kt from W.
FL, Anders Svensson
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