Barbaque for dinner. Frede and Sarah are the grill masters and Susanne is enjoying a burger. The weather station.
Plus degrees at EGRIP
Today was the warmest day at EGRIP this year with positive temperatures and no wind. Really subtropical according to the EGRIP team. Chef Frede and Souchef Sarah prepared a super barbeque for dinner with burgers. We really enjoyed. We are, however, hoping for colder weather tomorrow as minus degrees are better for our work.
What we did today
- Drilling from morning to 19:00: 10.72 m (run 758-762).
- Logging the main core to the depth 1672.43 m
- Processing bag 2998 in the science trench.
- Measurements in isotope laboratory to bag 2541.
- Measurements in physical properties to bag 2906.
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- Six drones flight for temperature and humidity.
- Finalized the installation of a GPS net around the RADIX site, 27 km NW of camp.
- Straightened the side walls in the new storage balloon garage.
Ad 2: The last part of the day was used producing new PP bags and preparing ice core boxes for shipment.
Ad 4: The calibration needed to be done during the day freeing time for the drone missions.
Ad 6: The bamboo forest was prepared for the winter and the next season.
Weather: Overcast with periods of broken cloud cover. Night temperatures down to -12 ºC, and afternoon temperatures up to +0.9 ºC. Wind 0-5 kt from 180T turning to 135T.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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