Trevor running an evening tour on a calm evening with signs of changing weather.
Back to the daily routine.
Camp life is slowly coming back to normal. Everybody have a task to do, and it is a full time job. The drillers have been cleaning the borehole fluid with a filter to make sure that loose ice chips will not block the hole. The processers have been busy and did good work today. The surface snow people wanted a cave below ground to have a cold spot as their tent is getting too warm. We cast another balloon cave using our small 5 m by 2.5 m balloon. Preparation for the planned flight on Thursday is underway, and skiway markers were repaired and the apron and taxiways groomed. There has also been some processing of the polar bear incident, including analysis of which safety issues worked and which can be improved. Jens Jacob did an interview on Greenland Radio news on the incident in both Greenlandic and Danish.
What we did today:
- Filtering the borehole.
- Grooming taxiways and apron.
- Casting small balloon cave for surface snow project.
- Repairing and replacing skiway markers.
- Mounting a second horn on main dome.
- Work on improving Doppler radar settings.
- Ice core processing today 30.80 m, bags 1088 - 1144 (598.40 m – 629.20 m).
- Measurements in isotope laboratory.
- Measurements in physical properties laboratory.
- Water vapour sampling and measuring.
- Surface snow sampling.
Weather today: Fine, in the evening clouds moving in from S. Temp. -16 ºC to -29 ºC. Wind: calm to 10 kt from SW. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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