22 May 2018
 Tuesday 22nd of May 2018

Pictures showing the crystal structure of an ice core from 355 m depth. To the left: True color. To the right: false color. The section is 3 cm by 6 cm.

Two planes came today.


The second plane with supplies and new EGRIP members came today. This is the last plane before 7.June. We say goodbye to: Sverrir, Basile, Jens Christian and Thomas. We say hello to: Nicholas, Jan, Shimeng, Zhiheng, Damiano, Tobias and Hamid. Now camp is ready to begin ice core processing and drilling. As a first step, the new drillers and processors were shown around in the trenches and given a briefing. The first ice crystal measurements have been made. In the afternoon, Koni Steffen and team showed up in a Twin Otter. They will stay here a couple of days to fly out in NE Greenland to maintain a network of automatic weatherstations.

What we did today:

  1. Received an LC-130 flight and a Twin Otter from the PARCA project.
  2. Working on assembling the long ice core drill.
  3. Removing cable tensioning equipment and finishing the long drill tower.
  4. Briefing and introduction to ice core processors
  5. Setting up in isotope warm laboratory.
  6. Setting up equipment for physical properties measurements is completed.
  7. Servicing arriving Twin Otter.
  8. Made two new outhouses.
  9. Work on internet issues has helped. Internet appears to be working now.
  10. Water vapour sampling and measuring.
  11. Surface snow sampling.

Weather: Fine all day. Temp. -20 °C to -31 °C.  Wind: 8 kt to 12 kt from SW.
Visibility: Unrestricted.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

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