Daniela and Sune logging ice cores
A sunny, cold and nice day at EGRIP.
Work in camp is in full swing. People are working intensely to prepare the drill trench. I identified at least three teams working alongside: A team for cutting the drill trench ceiling and hauling snow blocks out of the trenches, a team for levelling floor and cutting ceiling above logger’s cabin and a team working on drill electronics. In the middle of it all is Trevor, our drill boss. At the same time, a team has been logging the first 2017 brittle cores. On the surface, the water vapour site is taking shape. A lot of snow has been removed from camp and there has been work on the skiway. Bruno, our electrical engineer, has been working on the controls for the horizontal saw. The long list of tasks below speaks for itself. After dinner many gathered in the living room for a movie.
What we did today:
- Cutting slot in drill trench ceiling to allow for longer tower.
- Trimming ceiling over logger’s cabin on drill trench end.
- Moved driller’s workshop 1.5 m back to allow for longer drill.
- Levelling floor in drill trench.
- Checking electrical drilling equipment.
- Logging brittle zone cores from 2017: Start 679.24 m, end 702.10 m.
- Repairing electronic controls of horizontal saw.
- Grooming skiway, taxiway and apron.
- Raising skiway markers on ½ skiway and apron.
- Removing snow drifts between carpenters garage and main dome.
- Setting up water vapour sampling site. Sampling tower is up.
- The German Basler did not come today due to a lot of snow drifts at Station Nord.
Ad.3: The move of drillers workshop is to allow for longer drill. Not to trim ceiling as mentioned yesterday. A longer drill will require a longer inclined trench in the floor.
Ad.5: Drill motor section working.
Weather today: In the morning thin overcast with fog. The rest of the day fine. Temp. -28°C to -38°C. Wind: 6 kt from NNW to calm.
Visibility: Morning: 5 km. Afternoon and evening: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen

Sverrir pushing snow.
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