Karl Emil fetching a level for snow melter installation. His outfit and the bleak backdrop is typical for today.
Rough weather. Tough to be outside.
Today, we were happy that we finished a weatherport yesterday evening.
Last night the wind picked up, and during the whole day today the wind was not less than 15-22 knots. It may not sound as much, but as temperatures never went higher than -29°C, it was really difficult to work outside with blowing snow and a chill factor well below -40°C.
Building more weatherports was out of the question. Instead we concentrated on improving the infrastructure. At suppertime Bruno had a real surprise for camp: We had cheese fondue for supper and enjoyed the moment.
We hope that weather improves soon, so that we may continue camp construction; but the forecast for the next couple of days are not optimistic.
What we did today:
- Finished removing snow drifts around main dome.
- Main generator moved into position and connected.
- Cooks snow melter installed and in operation. Camp has now drinking water.
- Main snow melter installed, not yet in operation.
- Going through all electrical installations in main dome.
Weather today: Overcast, haze and drifting snow. Temp. -29°C to -31°C.
Wind: 22 kt – to 16 kt from W turing to N. Visibility: 500 m.
Ad.2: Camp is now powered by our 130 kVA generator and the main dome has central heating provided by waste heat from the generator.
Ad.4: The main snow melter has to be half full before we can connect it to the main dome water system.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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