Helle and Abby taking turns standing in the wind doing the temperature logging of the 85 m deep bore hole.
Tests of patience
Logging of bore holes is a time consuming process, as one carefully has to lower the logging device to a certain depth and the wait until stable readings of the parameters you want are achieved. While the drillers logged the deep bore hole, Helle and Abby took turns logging the 85 m bore hole from the AWI drill test. For every five meters the temperature was registered. Waiting for the last digit to stabilize is a cold job in the wind – a true test of patience.
In the drill trench some 10.3 m of good ice core was produced before the drill electronics section decided it wanted Bent's attention again. Hence Bent had to get back to his work station during the evening and afternoon in order to repair the electronics – another test of patience. Logging of the cores continues to be unproblematic after we have changed to the brittle logging procedure.
Otherwise the normal programs in the science trench and on the surface continued as planned.
What we did today:
- Deep drilling core length (from drillers depths) at 19.00: 10.3 m.
- Drillers depth at 19.00: 690.7 m.
- Logging deep bore hole, inclination is 3 degrees at 690 m.
- Repair of drill electronics.
- Temperature-logging of AWI-test bore hole.
- Water vapour, methane, aerosols, snow and boundary layer measurements
- Physical properties measurements.
- Water isotope sampling for sublimation studies.
- Clearing snow from ramps and inspection and straightening of skiway flags.
Weather: Sunny turning overcast and snowy. Wind turned from SW through N to E during the day, up to 8 m/s, gusting to 11 m/s, snow showers and drifting snow. Temperatures from -11°C to -4°C.
FL, Bo Vinther
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