EGRIP final pull-out and camp close

Last EGRIP crew 2016 back in Kangerlussuaq. From left: Diana, Troels, Randi, Trevor, Emilie, Mari, Sverrir and Dorthe.
As usual on the day of final pull-out, a hectic activity in camp began as soon as the message came that the LC-130 had launched from Kangerlusssuaq. All last minute items were packed and stowed on a pallet. The pallet was pulled to the apron with a Flexmobile. The main dome was powered by the auxiliary generator inside the carpenters garage, and the generator was switched off. The Iridium satellite system was taken down, and communications was maintained by hand held satellite phones. For the first time during final pull-out, we received fuel from the plane, and we loaded the last pallet using the winch on board the LC-130. The operation went fine, and after a ground time of 1hr 35 min the plane was ready for take off. EGRIP camp is now closed for the winter. It will open again late April 2017.
What we have done today:
- Packed last items for transport to Kangerlussuaq.
- Received Skier 61. Departure Kangerlussuaq 8.23. Arrival EGRIP 10.45.
- Defuelling LC-130. They off loaded 9430 liter Jet A-1.
- Parked fuel pump, flexmobil and two snow mobiles.
- Fuel tank left at apron for next year.
- Main dome closed and sealed.
- All persons and last cargo loaded. Departure EGRIP 12.20 in first attempt. Arrival in Kangerlussuaq 14.30.
Weather today: Ground fog and thin overcast in the morning, later scattered high clouds. Temperatures -15 ºC in the morning. Wind 7 kn in the morning from W.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, FOM J.P.Steffensen
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