12 August 2016
EGRIP wintercamp

Sketch in the FL notebook of the overwintering structures
A very busy day in camp were all items are packed and stored on their overwintering spots. All garages, trenches and sledges are documented and photographed. And finally all sledges are pulled to their overwintering hills.
What we have done today:
- Documented and photographed sledges, garages and trenches
- Changed to backup generator
- Closed ventilation tubes
- GPS documented camp and skiway
- Staircase and lift to trenches closed
- All electrical cables at weatherport positions attached to beams
- Kitchen packed
Weather today: Blue sky in the morning, scattered high clouds in the evening. Temperatures -23 °C during night increasing to -13 °C during the day and decreasing to -15 °C in the evening. Wind 7 kn in the morning, increasing to 13 kn during the day and decreasing to 10 kn in the evening all from SW.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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