3 August 2016
Grooming the skiway

Grooming the skiway
The first mission is on Sunday August 7th so it is time to groom the skiway. The last mission was July 21st and during the last two weeks we have had little snow and some wind so we have small drifts on the skiway. The surface up to 5 cm below the drifts is very hard so the grooming was tuned only to level and flatten the new snow. Sverrir is our expert.
What we have done today:
- Installed winch and tower in the drill trench
- Make lowered area for container for drill liquid
- Drilled a 10 m drain hole for the melted chips at the drill liquid recovery station
- Installed table in the logging cabin
- Documented science trench
- Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
- Packed and netted pallet #1
- Preparing missions and camp close down
- Groomed skiway
Weather today: Blue sky in the morning changing to overcast with light snow in the afternoon. Temperatures -24 °C during night, -7 °C during the day and -12 °C in the evening. Wind 10 kn from W changing to NW.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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Sverrir in the PistenBully