2 August 2016
Winch is moved down into the drill trench

The deep drilling winch on the way down to ramp to the drill trench
The day has come where the tower and the winch for the deep drilling operations has to be moved down the ramp to the drill trench. It is quite a challenge to get the 3000 kg heavy winch down and into place. Steff, Trevor and Sverrir used half a day for the operation.
What we have done today:
- Moved deep drill tower and winch down into the drill trench
- Assembled Viessmann cabin around the Drill liquid recovery system (Nobby)
- Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
- Last GPS and Drone mission to the NW
- Placed the last timber on the timber sledge
- Built a pallet-pallet
- Preparing missions and camp close down
Weather today: Blue sky. Temperatures -25 °C during night and evening and -12 °C during the day. Wind increasing from 5 kn to 10 kn from W.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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