Polar bear at EGRIP
In the morning a polar bear approached the EGRIP camp. All 16 gathered in the strong main Dome and we managed to scare the bear away. The polar bear, however, settled 1 km from camp and observed the camp until 22:00.
Approaching again, we had to shoot the beautiful bear with the permission of the Greenland Authorities, as the hungry bear, 400 km from the coast could not be scared away from camp. All in camp have handled the situation admirable and we have kept safety high for all.
There has only been two incidents of polar bears in deep ice camps: 1984 a polar bear was at Dye3 and in 1958 at Jarl Jouzet near the summit of the Greenland ice sheet.
What have we done today:
- Spent the day in the Dome
- Kept a watch in the top office in the Dome
- Contacted the Greenland Authorities on polar bear procedures
- Had to shoot the bear close to midnight
- Slept in the main Dome
Weather today: Clear sky and sun all day. Temperature -10 °C last night increasing to -5 °C during the afternoon and dropping to -17 °C during the evening. Wind 5-10 kt from SW all day and night.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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