Two drilling operations in one day

The drill has come to surface and the core barrel is taken out of the tilted drill.
At the Swiss drill site, the drill went 21 m deeper today breaking yesterday’s record by a factor of 10. The setup is continuously being modified in order to optimize drilling performance.
In the other end of camp, the Hans Tausen (HT) drill was deployed and drilled to a depth of 43.45 m (logged).
Trevor, Dennis, Niccolo, and Iben were busy all day drilling and logging the core. The drill produced approximately 1.5 m ice core per run and the core was logged in 55 cm sections and stored in ice core boxes.Tomorrow the plan is to continue drilling to below the close-off zone.
Next to the drill site a 3m deep pit was dug and sampled at high resolution to bring the record up to surface.
What we have done today:
1. 21 meters of drilling at Swiss drill test site
2. Logged depth of 43.45 meters at EGRIP 2016 S1 site
3. Dug 3 m pit next to S1 site for isotope sampling to surface
4. Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
5. Started construction of snow hill for installation of large disc receiver
6. Continued cooks freezer inventory
7. GPS marked camp
Ad. 2: The EGRIP 2016 S1 4-inch core was retrieved at the position N 75°37.754; W 36°00.179 some 300 m west of camp, logged in 55 cm bags, and packed as full core. First bag is bag 5 (48 cm).
Weather today: A day with clear blue sky. Temp. -20 °C during night increasing to -9 °C during the day. Wind 6-12 kt from W and SW.

Drilling with the HT-drill is great in nice weather. In the background the snow pile from the 3 m pit.

The loggers are concentrating to get the core length right and bag the cores in 55 cm sections.

The first Danish-Norwegian collaboration in Greenland since Helge Ingstad: Slicing up a snow salami.
FL, Anders Svensson
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