What a difference a day makes

Joel is mounting a sign at the entrance to the underground caves.
The blizzard from yesterday disappeared during the night. Only the wake of the blizzard was seen around camp in the form of snow drifts. On the skiway, one half was affected by snow drifts, so it was groomed in preparation of the Hercules flight from Kangerlussuaq. The weather was fine, and the plane arrived in the afternoon. On the plane were 11 new members of camp population. Four are an NSF sponsored seismic group that will stay here for the next ten days, while they use EGRIP as their base of operations. After being 10, then 9 people in camp for month, it was a big change as we now are 19 people in camp. Only one member left, and we all say goodbye to Kaitlin.
On the plane were also three visitors from NSF that wanted to see the results from the balloon project. After the plane left, the “old” staff experienced much more chatter and talking than were have been used to. It was an o.k. change, and all are eager to participate.
What we have done today:
- Prepared pallets for return loads.
- Grooming ½ skiway.
- Receiving an LC-130 flight.
- Begin construction of Weatherport.
- Unpacking arriving cargo from Kangerlussuaq.
Weather today: Sunny with few thin clouds. Temp. –15 °C to - 22 °C, Wind 10 kt from SV. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen

J.P. gives the flight crew an “all clear” sign as the four passengers enter the plane.
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