The wind came!

Packing the large ballon. Only people and a snowmobile prevents it from blowing away.
In the morning, we had a mild breeze from the East. According to the forecast, strong winds should come late afternoon, and a sign would be a turning of the wind from E to W. We decided to pack our balloons.
Five people were fully occupied packing balloons and we decided to begin with the smaller (and lighter) balloons to get some practice. At 1700 it was time to pack the big balloon (35 m long, 5 m diameter and 470 kg). The wind almost got it; but it was anchored by a snowmobile and people – the wind had turned to W by then. Half an hour after the balloon was secured, the wind suddenly increased, and while we ate dinner at 1900, we could hear the wind beginning to make noise. Here, at 2200 the wind is at 24 - 30 kt.
Back home, this is not so special; but in a snow area at -18 C it is dramatic. Due to blowing snow, the visibility is 200 m. We were lucky with the balloons, and now we hope that the wind abates for tomorrow so we may receive a plane. It has been a month since we last saw a Hercules plane.
What we have done today:
- Folded and packed all balloons.
- Grooming the entire camp area.
- Arranging cargo for the return flight to Kangerlussuaq.
Weather today: Overcast with snow, sunny spells, later blizzard. Temp. –12 °C to - 26 °C, Wind 10 kt from E, increasing to about 30 kt from W. Visibility: 2 km, in the evening 200 m.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
Blowing snow past our weatherports.
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