We have visitors

The Twin Otter parked in the middle of camp. Power form an extension cord from the powerhouse below keeps it warm during the night.
Today the Twin Otter arrived again, but with a different team. Koni Steffen and his group maintain a series of automatic weather stations on the Greenland Ice Sheet under the PARCA project. They are here to service stations in North Greenland. One is close to EGRIP. For the next few days the team will use EGRIP as a base. Otherwise, this day was an anti-climax to the drama of yesterday. We now maintain pressure in the buried balloons for the next 48 hours. Then we shall see...
Still, a lot of small things got done, including some science work. The mood in camp is good, and as camp population swelled from 10 to 16 there was much conversation in the evening. There was also great joy by all the small items that the Twin Otter brought from Kangerlussuaq.
What we have done today:
- Removed excess snow from cooks freezer/final core storage.
- Blowing snow around staircase shaft with Yanmar.
- Maintained pressure in balloons from pump station.
- The stitching of Weatherport cover is now complete.
- Grooming and tilling area for Twin Otter .
- German 2 x 50m pit now excavated to 2 m.
- Rearranged cargo line.
- Building racks for cooks freezer and cable well for cables.
- Receiving Twin Otter with Koni Steffen team.
- German snow sampling in the pit.
Weather today: Few high clouds. Temp. –14 °C to -25 °C, Wind 6 kt from W. Visibility: To horizon. Beautiful day.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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