Now the balloons are inflated and buried

Chris gives a final cascade of snow to the staircase balloon.
The weather continues to be cooperative, and today was a really good day for blowing back the trenches.
We are getting into the routine, and all balloons behaved as expected. There was a really funny aspect to the installation of a vent pipe right over the centre of the drill trench. Malte had to climb the inflated balloon and hold the vent pipe in position while it was tethered at the sides of the excavation. After a job well done, it turned out that the lid for the pipe had been forgotten, so Malte was suspended from the crane waring a body harness to put the lid on. After that, the backfilling of the trenches was relatively uneventful, while the balloon pressures were carefully maintained and monitored from the science trench. Now we have to wait three days to behold the results.
What we have done today:
- Made hole for elevator to the right size, and installed railings.
- Elevator reset and is now in full operation.
- Checking pumps and hoses. Pumping began at 10.30, and all balloons ready at 16.00
- Blowing snow back onto balloons began 16.00. It was finished at 23.30.
- Mounted and tested tiller.
- German snow sampling and laser snow sensor work.
Ad.1 and 2: The elevator is now safe to use, and the railing around the elevator hole on the surface prevents people from falling 6 m down.
Weather today: Clear all day. Temp. –15 °C to -25 °C, Wind 8 kt from SW. Visibility: To horizon. Beautiful day.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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