Stage two of snow cave construction is well in progress

Malte is mounting electrical plugs and sockets. Why not make it a picnic?
Excavating trenches is now so much of a routine that it can be done fast.
Tomorrow we will be inserting and inflating balloons again in the casting process of the last part of our construction work.
Because it took only 3.5 hours to excavate the drill trench, there was even time for the Pistenbully to excavate a pit for German snow sampling.
The weather has returned to “normal”, i.e. sunshine, about -20 °C and a steady wind of 10 knots. It is rather chilling to work; but still we made good progress.Luckily for us, the forecast for the next few days indicates less wind and fine weather. It stays cold however.
We are all well, and remain optimistic about our tasks.
What we have done today:
1. Laid temporary cable to science trench.
2. Work on elevator to get it going.
3. Lid for the gap over the elevator hole done. Carpenters work bench made.
4. Marked out narrow cut and completed drill trench excavation, the ramp
needs a little more work.
5. Excavated snow pit for German snow sampling with Pistenbully.
6. German snow sampling and experiments.
Ad.4: The final 2.8 m excavation (from 3.2 to 6 m depth) was completed in 3.5 hours.
Ad.5: The pit is 2 x 50 m long and 1 m deep.
Weather today: Clear most of the day, sometimes thin clouds. Temp. –14 °C to -32 °C, Wind 10 kt from WSW. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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