Saturday evening with a German twist

A roster has been made to keep the pressure in the balloons high enough. Each hour, a person has to go out to the pump tent and read the pressure gauges. A couple of balloons need a regular top up of air.
As Chris, our mechanic, is leaving on the traverse tomorrow, he made the regular oil change on the generator today so we are fine while he is away.
The two traverse people spent the day stowing fuel, generator, petrol, tools, food, cooking equipment, emergency equipment and GPS, radio and satellite phones.
Our German group, Christoph and Sepp cooked us a lovely dinner for Saturday evening.
What we have done today:
1. Preparing snow platform around elevator.
2. Packing for the traverse tomorrow.
3. Constructing lid/floor for the elevator.
4. Pumping air to balloons, 3 min every hour.
5. Oil change on generator.
6. Saturday evening dinner by Christoph and Sepp.
Weather today: Cloudy, hazy and warm with snow showers. Temp. – 12°C to -20°C, Wind 10 kt from SW to W. Visibility: 2 km, reduced to 1 km during showers.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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