Now it is true: Tomorrow we build a balloon animal

Evening at EGRIP camp, the excavation is in the foreground.
I was a bit too hasty yesterday when I claimed we were ready to put the balloons in. “The few corners” we needed to finish, had to be completed with the Yanmar only, and the Yanmar could not throw the snow out of the deep trench.Chris came up with the idea, that by removing a bolt, the Yanmar operator (Joel) could blow snow over his shoulder, back into the trench for subsequent removal by the Pistenbully (driven by Chris). On top of that, in order to finish the second tunnel, we had to lift the Yanmar up into the tunnel with the crane.
In the meantime, Malte, Kaitlin, Hans Christian and Christian installed the vent shafts in the trenches, sorted out the hoses and built a pump station. Plans were discussed, and J.P. checked that the hoses had the right length for the task. Our plans are now made, and now feel confident and ready to insert the balloons tomorrow. For supper, Sahah made us lovely pizza. Sepp and Christoph continued their science program.
What we have done today:
- Excavating of science trench and tunnels complete.
- Mounting ventilation tubes in trenches.
- Constructing pump station.
- Bundling air hoses and pressure hoses and checking lengths.
- German firn DEP experiments.
- Collecting snow samples.
Ad. 4: There are in total more than 500 m of hoses. They are very stiff in the cold. To work with them, we had to do it in door. Each balloon has two hoses, and since we have six balloons at one time, we took our time and sorted out the hoses and bundled them two and two.
Weather today: Mostly clear. Temp. – 19 °C to -30 °C, Wind 10 kt from W to SW. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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