Construction of the science trench has begun

Pistenbully excavates science trench.
We have now begun the largest construction effort this month: The excavation of trenches and subsequent construction of snow roofs for our future underground ice core laboratories and drilling hall. So far, it is looking good; but the forecast warns about strong winds tomorrow, so we hope that not too much snow will drift into the excavation.
It has been a peaceful day. Hans Christian is taking care of the main snow melter and it is running fine. Chris has been excavating the science trench. Joel and Malte have exchanged antennas on top of the main dome and excavating food. Christian is finding bits and pieces and tools for his carpenters workshop. Kaitlin, Sepp and Christoph have been engaged in sampling programs, while Sarah and J.P. have been running things.
What we have done today:
- Maintenance of Flexmobil 2 and newer Yanmar snow thrower.
- Covering last cables along weatherport line.
- Excavated food from last year.
- Exchanging OpenPort communication system and installing new marine radio base station.
- Excavating science trench and tunnels to 2.5 m depth.
- Taking samples along science trench wall.
- Taking snow samples.
Ad.4: The communication by satellite has been unstable. In order to exclude problems with the equipment, we exchanged the OpenPort system with our backup.
Ad.5: So far, the new snow blower is doing a good job. It is at least 5 times faster than using our Yanmar machines.
Weather today: Sunny and clear. Temp. – 20°C to -32°C, Wind 11 kt from WSW. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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