We received the first flight on the prepared EGRIP skiway

LC-130 take off from EGRIP today.
Although the high winds from yesterday continued into the night (“night” is an odd word here as the Sun never touches the horizon anymore), we were not too worried, as our forecaster had predicted that the wind would come down – and it did. We had to clean the skiway by grooming to remove the new snow and then we were ready to receive the LC-130 flight. Landing and take-off went well and we received cargo and three new members of the EGRIP crew: Hans Christian (now we have two of those), Chris and Christoph. The EGRIP skiway passed inspection and is now officially a “skiway”. Chris, our new diesel mechanic proceeded immediately to the garage and repaired the Pistenbully. All necessary heavy vehicles are now running. Sarah cooked us a nice Saturday evening dinner; but it was not a Saturday evening in the real sense as everybody was tired and we will receive another flight tomorrow.
What we have done today:
- Grooming skiway and apron after blizzard.
- Repaired Pistenbully 2. Now running fine.
- Received flight from Kangerlussuaq.
- De-iced and fixing drains from shower and hand basins.
- Marked the last Weatherport sites and prepared three for construction.
- Removing snow drifts from camp.
- Computer work on new internet interface for camp.
Ad 2: There was air in the fuel system and by draining air at cylinder 5, as suggested by Kaesbohrer, the engine started.
Ad 3: We received two double pallets (T-2) and one extra pallet (15,000 lbs). Most of the odd sized cargo is now in camp, including the new snow
Weather today: At midnight the wind began to weaken, and the day became sunny and clear. Temp. – 18 °C to -28 °C, wind 22 kt from S becoming 5 kt from SW. Visibility: To horizon.
We are now 10 people in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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