Arranging cargo and getting ready
The first team of 7 field participants and 2 field operation managers (FOMs) have been gathered in Kangerlussuaq since Monday to get the cargo of food, field equipment, and building materials ready and prepare for the first arrival and opening of camp, the so-called put-in.
Weather at EastGRIP is improving after a few days with strong winds and dense clouds, and the forecast for Wednesday looks good. The plan is therefore to fly to EastGRIP Wednesday morning. 3 flights are planned for the following week, bringing in equipment, fuel, and a few more people.
Field Operations Manager Marie rolling up cargo straps in the warehouse at 21:30 pm after the last pallet has been packed. Weather in Kangerlussuaq has been warm and very pleasant the last few days with day temperatures approaching 20°C and clear skies.
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